Advanced to the Top 20


I'm 39. Mom of 6 (all c sections) I've worked my ass off to go from 220+lbs to 120 lbs. I danced and did yoga nightly for 2 to 3 hours.


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You decide who will be featured on the cover of Muscle & Fitness HERS and take home $20k

Voting for the TOP 15 ends Thu May 23rd at 7PM PDT

One woman will win $20,000 and be on the cover of Muscle & Fitness HERS.

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What fuels your passion for fitness?

The ability to move run and play with my kids & future grands! I spent nearly a decade pregnant and unable to really move my body like it was designed. After baby 6 depression hit me hard for a few years. I turned to dance & yoga. Now I stay on top of my activity levels to stay mind body spirit healthy. Mentally I can allow myself to slow down for meditation & inner peace. Physically I get to stay in tip top condition & look great in my birthday suit. Spiritually speaking my body is my temple...

Tell us your favorite way to stay fit

Mental health walks Hiking trails Dancing Yoga Sex In reverse order 😂

What would you do with $20,000?

Invest in myself! Get my yoga teacher training, and start up my studio to help others transform like I did and how they need to in order to thrive. I would also have dental work done because my oral health has suffered over the years and I've become aware of how it affects my smile, self-confidence, and overall health.

Be Positive

Help Holly be the next Ms. Health & Fitness while supporting a great cause! The B+ Foundation provides financial assistance to families, funds childhood cancer research, and brings awareness to the fight against childhood cancer.

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