
As a 54 year old fitness professional I motivate and inspire women to shift their mindset and incorporate movement to feel fabulous!


Voting Opens Soon

Will Tiah be featured on the cover of Muscle & Fitness HERS and take home $20,000? Public voting begins soon!

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Voting begins May 6th at 1PM PDT

Do you think you have what it takes?

One woman will win $20,000 and be on the cover of Muscle & Fitness HERS.

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What fuels your passion for fitness?

My passion for fitness is fueled by variety. Staying fit is always fun and interesting because there are so many ways to challenge myself and set new goals. For example, after being afraid of deep water nearly my entire life, I am teaching myself how to swim. This challenge is perfect for my training for the NYC Marathon. My passion is further fueled by the positive impact on my health, bringing my blood pressure to normal levels. Finally, I am charged by inspiring others on their journey.

Tell us your favorite way to stay fit

My favorite way to stay fit is constructing creative workout plans for myself that incorporate a balance of cardio, strength and endurance. Because I enjoy variety this can include combinations of outdoor or treadmill running, swimming, dance fitness, strength and weight training.

What would you do with $20,000?

I am training to run in the NYC Marathon 2024. I gained entry through a charity called Team for Kids. I would use some of the $20,000 as my charitable contribution for my spot. I would use another portion of the money to provide scholarships for a few women to join my coaching program. Of course some will pay off some debt. But I really would like to take my daughter's 85 year old Nana to a spa where she can experience others serving her because she has always served her family.